Cohoes City School District
Board of Education Annual Budget Hearing &Business Meeting
Cohoes, New York, May 3, 2023
Library, Cohoes Middle School, 6pm
(The Board of Education may entertain a motion to enter into an executive session subject to Board approval.)
The Meeting was called to Order by the President, Mrs. Giller at 6:03pm
- Mrs. Carey
- Mr. Jackson
- Mrs. Snyder
- Mrs. Gendron
- Mrs. Paradis
- Mr. Nadeau
Also Present:
- Ms. Peggy O’Shea, Superintendent of Schools
- Mr. Dan Martinelli, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
- Mrs. Stacy Mackey, School Business Official
Seal of Civic Readiness – Mrs. DeStefano provided an overview of the Seal of Civic Readiness based on civic knowledge and civic participation. As part of their preparation for the Seal, students shared their project from Mr. Schnitzler’s economics class in which they identified an issue in our community and developed a business plan to address
Annual Budget Hearing – Ms. O’Shea, Mr. Martinelli and Ms. Mackey reviewed the proposed budget as approved by the Board. Ms. Mackey stated the budget notices were mailed to residents today and reminded everyone of the Budget Vote and Election on May 16th, 2023 from noon to 9 pm.
Superintendent’s Update – Mr. Martinelli provided an update of the recent Wellness Committee meeting. He thanked Mrs. Gendron and Mrs. Paradis for serving on the committee. He announced that food service will return to a point of sale system and an interactive menu at the start of the next school year. This interactive menu allows nurses, staff and parents to determine carbs and allergies of food selections. He also discussed physical education and its’ year in review.
Mr. Martinelli shared that three (3) of our schools are currently serving peanut butter and two (2) schools are not. For consistency and safety, the Wellness Committee has recommended that the cafeteria not serve peanut butter at all five (5) schools. Students may continue to bring peanut butter into school. A discussion ensued regarding the timing. Mrs. Paradis suggested that he reach out to Mr. Perry, as Harmony Hill has gone through this process. An update as to timing will be provided at a future meeting.
Ms. O’Shea gave an update on the District Wide Safety Team meeting held this week. She thanked Mr. Nadeau, Mrs. Giller and Mrs. Gendron for serving on the committee. At the meeting the District Wide Safety Plan was reviewed. This will be presented at the first board meeting in July followed by a thirty (30) day comment period. Building Level Emergency Response plans are being revised by administrators and they will be shared in an executive session in August, as they are confidential documents. As part of SMART Schools Bond Act amendment, the district has visits planned to area schools to view their public address systems.
Ms. O’Shea also discussed the COPs grant which is being submitted with the City of Cohoes as the lead applicant. If the grant is not awarded the city would receive priority in the following years applications. The grant awards $125,000 over a three (3) year period which would go towards the funding of a School Resource Officer.
Business Update – Ms. Mackey updated the board on an upcoming NYSED Monitoring Survey which involves the ESSER, GEER and ARP grants. The survey requires extracting 3 years of data which covers millions of dollars and activity. The deadline to upload all supporting documentation is June 2, 2023. Ms. O’Shea stated a recommendation would be on next agenda for additional support for the business office not to exceed forty (40) hours at a rate of $20.00 per hour to assist in this area. Mrs. Carey noted that the $800 would be well worth it and the cost would be significantly lower than overtime.
Long Range Financial Projections – Ms. Mackey shard the Draft Long Range Financial Projections which is a great tool in preparation of the budget. The current year revenues, a large increase in state aid, assumption for long range revenues is flat state aid and a 2% increase in expense assumptions are attrition through retirements and changes in the market environment for cost availability of goods were also reviewed. Mrs. Giller inquired about excess fund balance plan to which Ms. Mackey advised we will review in the fall and will likely need for capital reserve as budget is not trending favorably.
Ms. LaForest, career education coordinator shared information regarding the Cohoes High School Career Fair scheduled for May 16, 2023. Ms. O’Shea also mentioned that Mrs. Marcil, MTSS director ,has secured a cybersecurity presentation on May 23, 2023.
Mrs. Giller note the agenda item VII (D) is the resignation of a teacher of special assignment. The teacher is not resigning from the district, only from this assignment.
A. THAT the Board of Education accepts the Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting of April 19, 2023.
B. THAT the Board of Education approves the agreement between the Cohoes City School District and EI US, LLC (d.b.a. LearnWell), 2 Main Street, Suite 2A, Plymouth, MA for academic tutoring services during the 2022-2023 school year in accordance with the terms and conditions herein.
C. THAT the Board of Education adopts the following policies:
7365 Construction Safety
8110 School Building Safety
A. THAT the Board of Education appoints the following individuals to the Substitute Teacher and Tutor list:
- Awan, Adeela
- Beckham, Hanna
- Callender, John
- Reddin, Eimear
- River, Autumn
- Aiken, Justina
- Dame-Meechan, Tyler
- Von Bargen, Valerie
- Weiskopf, Matthew
- Zokowski, MargaretEffective: May 4, 2023
B. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District appoints the following individual as a Long-Term Substitute Teaching Assistant.
Paige Phelan
- Position: 0.6 FTE Long-Term Substitute Teaching Assistant (HH)
- Tenure Area: Teaching Assistant
- Effective Date: May 15, 2023 through June 30, 2023
- Salary: Per the current CTA contract, BA/BS Teacher Assistant Salary Schedule
C. THAT the Board of Education accept the resignation of Tricia Kinns from her position as School Social Worker (CMS).
Effective: May 26, 2023
D. THAT the Board of Education accept the resignation of Elaine Flatow from her Teacher on Special Assignment position as Dean of Students for the Cohoes Middle School.
Effective: June 30, 2023
E. THAT the Board of Education accept the resignation of Lena McKee from her position as Mathematics Teacher (CHS).
Effective: June 30, 2023
F. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District appoints Samuel Dole to a four – year probationary term in the tenure area of Music, effective September 1, 2023 and expiring on August 31, 2027. Mr. Dole holds Initial Certification in the areas of Music.
Samuel Dole
- Position: 1.0 FTE Music (Elementary)
- Certification: Music
- Tenure Area: Music
- Effective Date: September 1, 2023
- Tenure Date: August 31, 2027
- Salary: Step 3 of the current CTA contract
G. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District hereby appoints Iryna Pshenychna to the position of full-time Teacher Aide, subject to the rules of the Cohoes Civil Service Commission, such appointment is a probationary appointment.
Iryna Pshenychna
- Position: 1.0 FTE Teacher Aide (HH)
- Effective Date: May 1, 2023
- Probation Period: January 9, 2024
- Salary: Entry-level per current CSEA contract
H. THAT the Board of Education accept the termination of Kaeliannah Waldron from her position as Teacher Aide (HH).
Effective: May 1, 2023
I. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District hereby appoints Daisy Gamache to the position of Part-Time Teacher Aide subject to the rules of the Cohoes Civil Service Commission, such appointment is a temporary appointment.
Daisy Gamache
- Position: Part-Time Teacher Aide (HH)
- Effective Date: May 4, 2023 through June 30, 2023
- Salary: $14.20 per hour
J. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District hereby appoints the following individuals to the Cleaner Substitute list, subject to the rules of the Cohoes Civil Service Commission, such appointments are temporary appointments.
- Erika Rankin
- Effective: May 8, 2023
- Stephen Bruno
Effective: May 22, 2023
DESIGNATION OF CONSENT AGENDA: THAT the Board of Education adopts the following resolutions of the May 3, 2023 Agenda:
VI (A-C) and VII (A-K)
- Moved by: Mrs. Snyder
- Second by: Mrs. Gendron
- All voted “Aye”
- Motion carried: 7-0
IX. FINANCIAL REPORTS (Recommended by the Superintendent)
A. I recommend that the following reports be accepted by the Board of Education:
- Warrants – N/A
- Budget Transfers – N/A
- Budget Status Report – N/A
- Revenue Status Report – N/A
- Bank Reconciliation Report – N/A
- Internal Claims Audit Report – N/A
Recognition of Mr. Nadeau’s services to our students, staff and families while a Board Trustee. Mrs. Giller thanked Mr. Nadeau for serving on the board for the past year along with his previous term from 1989-1994. On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Giller presented Mr. Nadeau will a token of their appreciation. Mr. Nadeau thanked the board for this experience and he stated he was willing to continue serving on the Facilities committee next year.
Ms. Flatow, Cohoes Middle School teacher reminded everyone that Global Youth Service Day is scheduled for Friday, May 12 and invited members of the board to join students at a BBQ lunch at Cohoes High School.
- 7365, Construction Safety – First Reading
- 8110, School Building Safety – First Reading
- May 17, 2023, Library, Cohoes Middle School at 6pm
- June 7, 2023, Library, Cohoes Middle School at 6pm
MOTION: To enter into Executive Session at 7:47pm
To discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person; and to discuss C.T.A. negotiations and to discuss a student matter deemed confidential by the federal government.
- Moved by: Mrs. Carey
- Second by: Mr. Nadeau
- All voted “Aye”
- Motion carried: 7-0
MOTION: To adjourn at 8:10 pm
- Moved by: Mrs. Carey
- Second by: Mr. Nadeau
- All voted “Aye”
- Motion carried