January 19, 2022 Board of Education Business Meeting Minutes

Board of Education Business Meeting

Cohoes, New York
January 19, 2022
LGI Room, CHS 6pm
(The Board of Education may entertain a motion to enter into an executive session subject to Board approval.)


I. The Meeting was called to Order by the President, Mrs. Giller at 6:03 p.m.



  • Mrs. Carey
  • Mr. Pascale
  •  Mr. Jackson
  •  Mrs. Dion
  • Mr. Annely
  •  Mrs. Snyder
  • Mrs. Giller

Also Present:

  • Ms. Peggy O’Shea, Superintendent of Schools
  • Mr. Dan Martinelli, Assistant Superintendent for Education Services
  • Mrs. Stacy Mackey, School Business Official


Building Leadership Teams from Cohoes Middle School and Cohoes High School presented their plans.

Ms. Mackey presented the Budget Timeline.





A.  THAT the Board of Education adopts the Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting of January 5, 2022

B. THAT the Board of Education accepts the Minutes of the Committee on Special Education for the following dates: 11/16/21, 11/18/21, 11/22/21, 11/30/21, 12/1/21, 12/2/21, 12/9/21, 12/10/21, 12/14/21, 12/16/21, 12/20/21, 12/21/21, 12/22/21, 1/3/22, 1/6/21

C. THAT the Board of Education designates April 4 – April 7, 2022 and April 12 – April 15, 2022 as Voter Registration Days at the following locations during normal school hours: Abram Lansing, Harmony Hill and Van Schaick elementary schools.

D. Whereas, the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District (“Board”) is considering to undertake a potential project consisting of certain rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, repairs, and other improvements to its existing facilities, the components of which are more particularly set forth in the determinations below; and

Whereas, the Board wishes to fully comply with its obligations under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) and the regulations thereunder      with respect to the proposed action; and

Whereas, the Board has carefully considered the nature and scope of the proposed action; and

Whereas, upon review of the foregoing, the Board makes the following determinations:

1.  The proposed action involves certain rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, repairs, and other improvements to its existing facilities, the components of which are more particularly set forth as the replacement of the existing dishwasher including mechanical/electrical/plumbing connections at the Cohoes High School.

2. The proposed project represents maintenance or repair involving no substantial changes in an existing structure or facility within the meaning of 6 NYCRR §617.5(c)(1); and/or alternatively the replacement, rehabilitation or reconstruction of a structure of facility in kind within the meaning of 6 NYCRR§ 617.5(c)(2); and/or alternatively a routine activity of an educational institution, including the expansion of existing facilities by less than 10,000 feet of gross floor area, within the meaning of 6 NYCRR §617.(c)(8).

3. The proposed action will in no case have a significant adverse impact based on the environment based on the criteria contained in 6 NYCRR § 617.7 (c), and is not otherwise a Type I action as defined by 6 NYCRR § 617.4.

4. The proposed action is a Type II action within the meaning of 6 NYCRR 617.5 and is therefore not subject to review under SEQRA and the regulations thereunder.

Now therefore be it resolved that the Board finds and concludes that the proposed action is a Type II action within the meaning of 6 NYCRR § 617.5 and therefore is not subject to review under SEQRA and the regulation thereunder.

E. THAT the Board of Education approves $111,259 to be expended from the Cafeteria Fund Balance to cover the purchase and installation of the dishwasher for the Cohoes High School.

F.  THAT the Board of Education approves the following fully depreciated items to be removed from the fixed asset inventory for surplus:

  • Hobart Dough Mixer – asset tag # 00627
  • Hot Box Warmer – asset tag # 000609
  • Small hot box warmer – asset # 001027
  • Metal Cabinet – asset tag # 03632
  • Slicer Meat – asset tag # 000626
  • Large hot box warmer – asset tag # 000602
  • Hot box – asset tag # 04113
  • Hot box – asset tag # 000645



A. THAT the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Agreement By And Between Cohoes City School District And The Cohoes Principals’ Association modifying Articles VII, X, and XI of the July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement, dated January 19, 2022

B. THAT the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Agreement By And Between The Cohoes Teachers Association “Association” and The Cohoes City School District “District” modifying Article XVII – Salary Differential and Stipends for Extra   Duty of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, dated January 5, 2022.

C.  THAT the Board of Education approve the following student teacher placement from the following school (unpaid):

Russell Sage College
January 18 through March 11, 2022

Cortney Conley with Megan Cherubino at Harmony Hill Elementary School
Rebecca Goldstein with Sharon Laughlin at Harmony Hill Elementary School

D. THAT the Board of Education amend item VII (C) of the December 15, 2021        minutes to read as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District appoints Kimberly Cottet to a four – year conditional term in the tenure area of Elementary effective January 17, 2022 and expiring on January 16, 2026 January 16, 2025 on a conditional basis.  Ms. Cottet holds Professional Certifications in the areas of Literacy (Birth-Grade 6) and Childhood Education (Grades 1-6).

Kimberly Cottet

  • Position: 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher (HH)
  • Certification: Childhood Education (Grades 1-6)
  • Tenure Area: Elementary
  • Effective Dat: January 17, 2022
  • Tenure Date: January 16, 2026 January 16, 2025
  • Salary: Step 10 of the current CTA Contract


E. THAT the Board of Education rescind its action on item VII (G) of the January 5, 2022 agenda:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District hereby appoints the following individual to the Cleaner Substitute list, subject to the rules of the Cohoes Civil Service Commission on an emergency conditional basis, in accordance with the Civil Service Rules, such appointments are a temporary appointment.

David Martin
Effective: December 20, 2022

F.  THAT the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Tamia Scott-Daniels from her position of Part-time Teacher Aide. Effective: January 11, 2022.

G. THAT the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Agreement By And Between The Cohoes Teachers Association “Association” and The Cohoes City School District “District” dated January 19, 2022.

H. THAT the Board of Education approves a salary increase due to additional teaching assignments for the following individuals for the 2021-2022 school year:

Allison Koslowski – 0.125 FTE as per CTA contract –Speech (1.125 FTE total)
Karin Sencer – 0.125 FTE as per CTA contract –Speech (1.125 FTE total)

Effective: January 10, 2022- February 18, 2022

I. THAT the Board of Education accepts the resignation for retirement purposes of Patricia Ragule from her position of Reading Teacher (ALS).

Effective: June 30, 2022

J.  THAT the Board of Education accepts the resignation for retirement purposes of Annette Selig from her position of Special Education Teacher (ALS). Effective: June 30, 2022

K. THAT the Board of Education create the following non-instructional position:

1.0 FTE Teacher Aide (grant funded)
Effective:  January 24, 2022

L.  BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Cohoes City School District hereby appoints Lisa Buck to the position of full time Teacher Aide position, subject to the rules of the Cohoes Civil Service Commission on a conditional basis, in accordance with the Civil Service Rules, such appointment is a probationary appointment.

Lisa Buck:  1.0 FTE Teacher Aide (AL)

Effective Date: January 24, 2022
Probation period: September 23, 2022
Salary: entry level per current CSEA contract


MOTION: THAT the Board of Education adopts the following resolutions of the January 19  2022 Agenda:

VI (A-F), VII (A-L) and IX (A)

Moved by:  Mrs. Dion
2nd by:  Mrs. Carey
All voted “Aye”
Motion carried 7-0


IX. FINANCIAL REPORTS (Recommended by the Superintendent)

A.  I recommend that the following reports be accepted by the Board of Education:

  • Warrants-December 2021
  • Budget Transfers-December 2021
  • Budget Status Report-December 2021
  • Bank Reconciliation Report-December 2021



  • On behalf of District Administration and the Board of Education, Ms. O’Shea recognized the upcoming retirements for Ms. Ragule and Ms. Selig. She expressed her thanks for their many years of service and commitment to the District.
  • Mrs. Giller thanked the secondary Building Leadership Team members for their presentations. Coach Kerry Winters was recognized for his willingness to fulfill the roles of both boys and girls indoor track coach; in doing so, the District was able to allow for both teams to participate this season. She also congratulated the staff, students and volunteers involved in the production of Willy Wonka Jr for a successful performance.
  • A discussion was held regarding staffing to support safety in our schools. The current model of employing part- time safety officers has been very successful when fully staffed, offering strong ties with the Cohoes Police Department. Recent recruiting efforts have resulted in challenges filling open positions, leading to gaps in scheduling. Alternative recruiting methods are currently being explored. The members of the Board recognized the importance of providing a safe and non-threatening environment for both staff and students. Based on the conversation it was agreed that competitive compensation levels should be researched as well as potential considerations for the current model. Members also recognized the budgetary implications with these discussions and requested that Mrs. Tarlo and Ms. DeMarco provide a framework of tiered levels of support at a future board meeting, with the goal of presenting a model that will work in their buildings that addresses major areas of concern, based on multiple levels of budgetary impact. This will then be further discussed by the board.




February 2, 2022, LGI Room, CHS & Livestreamed at 6pm
February 16, 2022, LGI Room, CHS & Livestreamed at 6pm

MOTION: To enter into Executive Session at 8:21pm to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation and to discuss proposed, pending or current litigation.

Moved by: Mr. Pascale
Seconded by: Mr. Annely
All voted “Aye”
Motion carried 7-0


MOTION:  To adjourn at 9:07pm

Moved by:  Mr. Annely
Seconded by: Mrs. Carey
All voted “Aye”
Motion carried 7-0



Preparing our students for success in tomorrow’s world.

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