Home » CHS senior builds a solid backstage future at Capital Region BOCES  

CHS senior builds a solid backstage future at Capital Region BOCES  

When one thinks of theater, they often think of actors and the stars of the show. But for every performer taking center stage, there are dozens of workers backstage making it all happen.

That’s where students like CHS senior Madi Marer in the Capital Region BOCES Entertainment Technology program at Proctors Theatre take a bow.

Like her classmates, Madi aspires to a career making magic happen on the stage and in front of the camera.

Whether that be set construction, sound or lighting work, or the countless other tasks that go into making a production a reality, Madi said she enjoys the work and looks forward to a career in the industry.

“I like making it all come together and helping others reach their success.”

Teacher Jeff Knorr said Madi – who he describes as a class leader – has already constructed a solid resume in the industry and is building a solid skill to add to that resume at BOCES.

“She just completed working the holiday season for Yankee Trails as a stage manager/video and audio operator for Santa’s Magical Express,” he said. 

Her impressive resume goes back to elementary school; she has been working backstage in every junior and high school musical since she was in fifth grade.

Most recently, Madi served as stage manager and lighting designer/programmer for “Newsies Jr.,” “The Prom,” and “Annie Jr.”, and well as for the upcoming “Legally Blonde.” She also assisted with the design and programming for lights on “Willy Wonka” and “Mamma Mia.”

Upon graduation in June, Madi plans to attend college to further her skill set and knowledge. She has been accepted into the theater tech program at SUNY New Paltz and has an upcoming interview at SUNY Purchase.

She credits BOCES for positioning her well to achieve her future goals.

“I really like working (at BOCES) with others who share similar interests and generally like that I can learn skills, job shadow and gain professional experiences that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.”

Housed in historic Proctors, the Capital Region BOCES Entertainment Tech program prepares students for careers in the entertainment industry – whether in theater, film, music, or other media. Throughout the two years, students learn about the many jobs and the skills needed to work in the entertainment industry, including set design/carpentry, lighting/stage electrics, sound design/recording, costuming, stage management, film/media, etc.

They meet daily in the Addy Theatre, the Media Lab, rehearsal spaces and even the main Proctors theater and work on productions or learn from the crews that are working on those shows.

Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is underway. For more information on the Entertainment Technology program, visit https://www.capitalregionboces.org/career-technical-education/courses-programs/entertainment-technology-i-and-ii/.
